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With his colorful bib and paintbrush, Bowser Jr. has quite an eye for art. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks inspired by Bowser’s son! This Paint-by-number activity features Bowser Jr., and you can check out Bowser Jr.’s Friend page to learn more about him!


Art is subjective

“Art is subjective” is a fancy way of saying that something you like might be different from what other people like. You can ignore the haters and focus on what art means to you.


(Almost) anything can be your canvas

You can grab a canvas and start artin’. Of course, get your parents’ permission before painting or drawing on anything! You can also check out our online Paint-by-number activities for mess-free, click-and-paint fun.


The messier, the better

Bowser Jr. doesn’t hold back. Why should you? (We’re joking, of course—always get an adult’s permission to make a big old mess with your paints.)


Like watching paint dry

To help pass the time until the paint dries, you can challenge yourself to stare at your work until it dries. How long can you go without blinking?


Cleaning up your mess

Unless you have a minion to clean up after you, you should clean up after yourself.


What’s next?

Once you have finished your art, you can put it on display, give it away as a gift, or hide it in your closet where no living person will ever set eyes on it. It’s your call.