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You can take direct control of certain Pokémon during battle in the action-packed Pokkén Tournament DX game.


Battles in Pokkén Tournament DX alternate between Field Phase, where you can run freely in any direction, and Duel Phase, where you can try to get up close to your opponent and unleash intense attacks. When you hit an opponent with certain attacks or a series of attacks, a Phase Shift will occur. Controls and animations change in each phase, too.


Tip #1: Field Phase

Field Phase is a good opportunity to throw projectiles at your opponent, since you can get up close and personal with ranged attacks. Get your opponent into position so you have the advantage when the duel phase is initiated.


Tip #2: Duel Phase

Duel Phase gives you a chance to try out massive attacks in a face-off position. This also is a good time to try dealing extended combos and special attacks.


 Tip #3: Synergy Gauge

 Taking damage fills your Synergy Gauge; dealing damage fills it faster. Once it’s filled, you can activate the Synergy Burst to power up your moves. This can give you a chance to try to finish off a weak opponent or turn the tide in battle.


Tip #4: Burst Attack

Burst Attack is devastating move that can be used in either phase, but only when Synergy Burst is activated. Each Pokémon fighter has a Burst Attack move that will deal massive damage to the opponent (as long as you don’t miss and they don’t block the attack!).


Tip #5: Support Pokémon 

A Support Pokémon can help you during battle by attacking your opponent, enhancing your abilities, or disrupting your opponent’s abilities. Press the L Button during battle to call a Support Pokémon to your aid!


 You can learn more about the game at the official site

 ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ with Fantasy Violence